Automated Account Verification says:
Dear Steam User,

In order to continue using your current Steam account, you must
validate your authenticity by
filling out the required information in this form.
Please reply to this message, using the current format below:

First Name: ( Your First Name )
Last Name: ( Your Last Name )
Username: ( Your Steam Account Username )
E-Mail: ( The Email Address You Registered The Account To )
Password: ( The Password You Use To Log Onto Your Steam Account )

Our database will be re-formatted soon, due to some damage caused by
destructive users. We will need to record our active users and add them
to our database once again.

You must validate your account within 30 days or, your account will be
deleted. Thank you for your co-operation, Best regards, Steam Account
Management Team.
I recieved this message in my chat box on steam messenger and think it is a fake has any1 else experienced it or can give me some advice?? i didnt reply as it says never give out your password in messages. The pesron who sent the message was called Automated Account Verification Many Thanks