I have finally managed to come across (thanks to some creativity on my part ) the files necessary to run a DOD Source Gun Game Extreme edition Server. (GGEE)
There was a community that ran this for a while and it was VERY popular ( 24 man server always queuing to get on at peak times).
Their community folded about a year ago and took the mod with it so there aren't any servers running GGEE.
Chances are Me / Gary (Paper Tiger) got you to join us at least a couple of times, but if you didn't it works like this:
Round starts, you get the first weapon (which can be the lowest gun as you'd expect, reversed, or random weapon order - same order for everyone though).
This may get old fast on CS but if you played it on DOD on the large orange gungame maps they used you'd probably change your mind :P
With the real variety in weapons in DOD it is a lot more interesting for Gun Game.
Anyway, I'm proposing chalex gives me one of the servers to look after, which I will change to a new DOD Source Gun Game Extreme Edition server!
My hidden server I still run and if you look at the game tracker it continues to be ATK's most popular server by % full / time we've ever had since we've been ATK (The current stats are an average of 4.1 players over the last month, and considering its a max 9 player game.... )
If you don't like dod please don't object based on that. As some of you may know, I HATE day of defeat, but can happily spend hours on GGEE. All I ask if you give it a go, and for now at least I think you'd all agree that having a working (hopefully) popular, unique, server is better than having servers lets simply not even switched on!
Anyway, post your thoughts =]