I thought I would post some stuff on i30 since you are all so interested in going to i31.

i30 was a 4 day LAN party to which 1,500 gamers attended. We were spread out over 2 buildings, the Grandstand and the Berkshire Stand. All of the main events happened in the "Finals Tent" outside the Grandstand, and all of the stands were in the ground floor of the Grandstand. A few of the main stands were:

Intel - showing off all their latest hardware, with 8 PCs to play on.
Crucial - holding competitions daily, top prizes being 2GB of Crucial Ballistix RAM (£260 retail)
Kustom PCs - selling lots of computer gear
Packard Bell - 5 x 42" LCD screens with pedals and wheel for driving races

I was in the EVE section however you are free to play any game you like in any section, there were only a maximum of 5 people playing EVE at any one time, most people were playing CSS and C&C3 (which I have now).

Here is a short video I made of the event. It should give you an idea of what it is like:


You can find it on Google Video HERE

If you don't like the quality of viewing the videos online you can download it here

*Please note that when I uploaded the videos they were excellent quality, YouTube and Google just downscale them so they can be viewed faster.

Since many of you are wanting to go to i31 it is important to get a few things sorted out first. You must be free on the dates below:

i31 - 1500 places
10 August 2007 till 13 August 2007
Also, make sure you can get to Newbury Race Course, i31 opens its gates at 9am on the 10th.

Unless you want to risk sleeping in the small designated sleeping areas, it is a good idea to bring your own tent. Personally I have a Popup tent that takes less than 1 minute to set up and pack away, perfect for this type of event.

If you are planning to sign up, then it is best to do so before the 23rd of April 2007 in order to receive 20% off your order of £80. There is a nifty feature called EAS which basically means you can arrive one day early for the event, however they do not guarantee that everything will be fully set up, and the internet may only be fully functional on the official opening the next day.

In respect to where we will all sit, I think that we should all go for the:

Other section ( any other games not listed )

I know you may be thinking that since most of us play CSS we should go in the CSS section, but believe me, the top floor of the Grandstand was hot in April, can you imagine what it would be like in August? Also, there is nothing stopping us from all playing CSS in this section, in the EVE section we had a CSS clan entering all the leagues, no one was concerned at all that they weren't playing EVE.

Please check out if you can go or not, t-shirts will be available once we have a new site and logo. (Before you ask, every clan, community and group of people that knew each other had personalised t-shirts, so we wouldn't be out of place!)

When you sign up please make 100% sure that you clan tag is |ATK|, this is so that we are automatically sat next to each other when the seating plan is done. We can arrange who sits next to who later on.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - Please do not come just because other people are going. You really must want to go, and be in a good mood while you are there . More information can be found at the following links:

