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Thread: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

  1. #16
    Deagle > Five-Seven VoX's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Hears the call over the intercom.

    Vox: Dammit Bloo! Laters Oric, I better get up there!

    *Rushes up to the bridge and takes control of the ship.

  2. #17
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Oricalcos: What do you mean laters, we're probaly gonna need the lasers for this!

    *Rushing to take all breakfast materials with him, Oricalcos darts back to the lifts for the weapons bay. He activates his drone control wristband.

    Oricalcos: All drones, all drones, activate forward shields and prepare laser batteries to fire - protocol 7 Delta, asteriod collision.

  3. #18
    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Bloo quickly tabs to the short-range scanners and grunts*

    Bloo: *shouting angrily* Hells hells, WHY DIDN'T CHALEX UPDATE THE MAPS TO THE LATEST VERSION ALREADY! *sighs* Ok, we can't avoid it at this speed, VoX, takes evasive action! Now!

    *VoX does so, flying the ship the best he can*

    Bloo: Scanning now... right, up loading a map for you VoX, do the best you can - shi-.

    *The map shows that the ship is about to be bombarded by an asteroid to its starboard side. A few seconds later the asteroid crashes into the ship, its shields not being able to reflect the relatively slow moving asteroid (in comparison to say, a laser beam or mass accelerator shot...) , causes the whole ship shudders at the crash, consoles blowing up in an inordinately dangerous way and fires burning everywhere*

    VoX: Someone get that fire out!

    *seconds later the main guns fire, blowing the asteroid into dust and blowing up a few more, the crew takes a collective sigh of relief*

    Bloo: *takes a breath* Ugh.. that was just the start of it.

    Chazlene: *panting* Yeah, VoX do what you can *Chazlene presses on the intercom* Keep the guns prepped down there Oricalcos, good work. Engineers, forward as much power to the shields as you can, and Chalex, wake up, we have a situation. *ends intercom* Phew... remind me to give Oricalcos a free anti-grav pen when I see him.

    Bloo: At least it wasn't like the time Crewman Vicious brought all those damn Snarlaccian snakes onto the ship...
    Last edited by Bloo; 18th February 2010 at 09:41 PM.

  4. #19
    ATK Member Mr.Big's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Mr.Big curses those Snarlaccian snakes...
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Being a pirate is not illegal VoX, you just have to be a bit mad to do it. I for one love Mr.Big for who he is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oricalcos View Post
    And no Mr. Big, I will not buy every single module in T2 form just because I have exuberant amounts of liquid capital
    Quote Originally Posted by Target View Post
    @ Vox its not worth buying Ass Creed 2 its more of the same just "Mr Big" it and then buy BC2

  5. #20
    Community Manager Chazlene's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Chazlene: Don't remind me Bloo... I still have nightmares about waking up to find a Snarlaccian snake clamped onto the end of my...

    *There was another shudder as a second asteroid collided with the ship, sending Bloo and Chazlene off balance*

    Chazlene: (*Reading off a monitor where the collision happened*) Shit, that was too close to the bridge... (*Over the intercom*) all marines, get up to top deck to tackle the blaze.

    *At this point an angered Ambassador Kyle Medea storms onto the bridge, still in his night clothes, demanding to know what is going on*

    Ambassador: Onaib selbmeser ddiarb ehcatsuom m dolhca hteb!!!!

    Chazlene: (*Trying to calm the ambassador down with his arms outstretched*) Don't worry, there's nothing to be alarmed about ambassador, just return to your sleeping quarters...

    *Chazlene's words seemed to have no effect on the Ambassador, who proceeds to flail his mating tentacles in anger, which get dangerously close to harming the crew. Without hesitation Chazlene grabs a nearby tazer and shoots it directly at the Ambassador's chest, who immediately crumples onto the floor, with his tentacles lying around him.*

    Chazlene: I've got no time for that twat in a situation like this... (*over intercom*) Ricky... come and take the Ambassador back to his room...

    Bloo: (*As ricky struggles to drag the body away*) You know he's gonna be VERY PISSED OFF when he comes round again...?
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  6. #21
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Oricalcos overhears the commotion over the intercom.

    Oricalcos: Please tell me that wasn't my new prototype tazer, because if it is, we might want a mop and bucket along with the escort.

  7. #22

    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *D_K groans as the ship is shaken by the collision...

    D_K: uugghh... Five more minutes... don't wanna...

  8. #23
    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Bloo: *in a wry tone to Chazlene* That might have been a little extreme, Commander. Either way. *the ship shudders and everyone stumbles as the ship is hit by another asteroid*

    VoX: Sorry! This is hard work you know.

    Bloo: I'll check the navigation chart and see how long we'll have to cope with this...

    *Bloo fires up the charts and looks at them, meanwhile Mr Big arrives to sort out the fire, deftly doing it in 2-3 minutes, then the marines arrive and scratch their heads looking dumb*

    Chazlene: Ugh, nevermind with you lot, Bobbie, Aiming and Corporal Mike, you're dismissed!

    *The three marines stagger off, one commenting about the Commander's mother and another saying "nononononono, no, no..."*

    Bloo: *coughs and whispers to the young Ensign Ricky* Ensign Ricky, I'd move that body before Chazlene blows another gasket and tazers you next.

    *Ensign Ricky gulps, well aware that he will be the first casualty of this adventure, he privately curses the choice of wearing his red uniform, knowing that it sealed the fact he was going to die, by being, well a redshirt. He then drags the ambassadors unconscious body off the Bridge, crying to himself because if the asteroids don't kill him, the next thing they encounter will, and it'll much more horrible and painful death for him.*

    (NPC) Ensign Ricky: *sobbing* Maybe I should send a message to my mum before I die...

    *he drags the body away down the empty corridor, a falling panels narrowly missing hitting him directly on the head, he looks at it and just breaks down in tears*

    *meanwhile on the bridge again..*

    Bloo: Does anyone hear crying? Erm, anyway, we've only got a few more minutes of this asteroid field, so we should pull through.

    Chazlene: *acting all important and in charge* What are your scans of the area directly ahead?

    Bloo: That it should be cleaning sailing, unless we run into any Cosmo-Pirates.

    VoX: ... Cosmo-pirates?
    Last edited by Bloo; 19th February 2010 at 12:43 AM.

  9. #24
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Oricalcos (over intercom): Don't forget the Maulers. Savage brutes, make Cosmo-Pirates look like fluffy kittens. Oh, and if anyone's still aware to the fact we are in the asteroid field, the lasers are prepped and ready to start blasting our way out.

    *Oricalcos, sensing a chance to practice target shooting, starts up the manual controls for the main guns and clambers into the control pod.
    Last edited by Isphera; 19th February 2010 at 10:39 AM.

  10. #25
    Deagle > Five-Seven VoX's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Listening to Oric's broadcast

    Vox: Oh bollocks, what sort of chances are there we could run into any of the aforementioned nasties?

  11. #26
    Community Manager Chazlene's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Chazlene: Well they're known to loiter around these parts... let's just hope it's only the asteroids we have to put up with.

    Oric: (*over intercom*) Booom! HEADSHOT!!!

    Vox: (*Muttering in confusion*) How can you headshot an asteroid...

    Bloo: Hang on what's this on the scanner... oh shi- Chazlene I wouldn't speak so soon...
    "If at first you don't succeed, spend a lot of money to have a professional do it for you."

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  12. #27
    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Bloo: Luckily it's only cosmo-pirates we have to deal with, since Maulers only terrorise the galactic rim... but erm, its a carrier. They've launched fighters.

    Chazlene: ...

    Bloo: We really should launch our own fighter-drones.

    Chazlene: Do it.

    Bloo: Errr... we need the Captain for that order to be put through, only he has clearance.

    VoX: I guess I better keep up with the evasive action.
    Last edited by Bloo; 20th February 2010 at 02:34 PM.

  13. #28
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Oricalcos begins a scan of the threatening vessel. He begins to broadcast the results as well as transmit schematics up to the bridge for analysis and tactical advice.

    Oricalcos: The carrier's shield are at full strength, so I will need to start charging up the main lasers to full combat effectiveness in order to have any effect on them. The smaller lasers are offline, but can help deal with the fighters when they are online, but we really need the drones to take them down. Both will take a couple minutes to get ready.

    But note to commanders, as the weapons guy, can I really get the authorisation to launch the battle drones, it's not my fault the last time I tried to use them, they nearly took out the engines.....ok, I forgot to update the circuitry when we upgraded the engines, and they mistook them for enemy craft, but it's still not entirely my fault.

    Back on task, let me know when Chalex is back in command, I need his authorisation to even activate the torpedo bays and use my Isphera II prototypes, which would make this a lot easier. But we only have one set, and it'll be a while before I can get the parts together for another batch, so we might wanna save them for a dire emergency.

    Weapons scans will be done in a minute or two.

    *Tuning away from full intercom, Oricalcos activates the manual weapons bay drone control panel

    Oricalcos (over drone interface): All drones, all drones, ship is under threat from possible astro-pirate attack, prep all laser weapons along protocol 3 alpha.
    Last edited by Isphera; 20th February 2010 at 12:18 AM.

  14. #29
    Administrator Chalex4's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    *Before the asteroid field began, Chalex4 has been updating the captain's log. Although they've been having a relatively boring last few months, he enjoys feeling like Jean-Luc Picard - making every small decision seem like life or death.*

    Chalex4: ... and then Bloo went and sat in it again!! Seriously, does he want us all to die a horri...


    *Chalex4 pauses, and waits for someone to call him. Noone does*

    Chalex4: We have a situation, I'll report back shortly. Computer, save log.

    *He realises it must just be something boring and non-threatening like an asteroid field. His crew are trained well, and he decides it'll be a good test to see how they do on their own.*

    Chalex4: Computer, bring up all feeds from the bridge.

    *Chalex4 soon finds himself virtually sitting in his chair on the bridge. He's happy to see Bloo doing something else other than sitting in it. Although he can still see his room, the bridge and everyone inside has been superimposed and scaled on top in 4D. He is literally on the bridge, invisible to everyone else. Vital ship statistics are always visible in his peripheral vision, always in focus, adjusting to wherever he moves.*

    *Initially impressed with how things are going, he doesn't take too kindly to the Ambassador being tazered and the ship catching on fire*

    Chalex4: Right, that's it. They need me up there.

    *Putting back in his earpiece, he gets in his private transporter (lift)*

    Chalex4: Computer, take me to the bridge. Fast.

    *Listening to the intercom in the lift, he hears news of the fighters. Starting to psych himself up, he feels ready*

    Chalex4: BRING IT ON!!

    *The lift doors open, Chalex4 starts pacing towards his chair, firing commands out to his crew*

    Chalex4: Nobody messes with the USS ATK, let's show them what we've got. Oric, warm up all your god damn weapon systems, we don't want to be caught off guard. Vox, good job, keep up the evasive action. Bloo, find us a way out of this mess should things get worse. Chaz, don't tazer the ambassador again. We don't want the council hating us on Uranus. The rest of you, stop standing around and look busy! I want everything ready at my go ahead in 1 minute Oric. Make it happen.

    Fighters are going to have a hard time getting us in these asteroids, so let's use that to our advantage. The enemy are straight ahead, and we seem to be destroying all the asteroids between us. Who thought that was a good idea? Vox, turn us 45 degrees counter-clockwise, and SOMEONE redirect more power to the shields starboard side. It's going to get messy.

    Once those drones are ready, you don't need my permission to let all hell loose. If you need pilots, find them.

    *Chalex4 sits in his chair, it recognises his presence. He starts pressing various buttons, the lights in the bridge become red.*

    Computer: Welcome back captain. ACTION STATION protocol initialised. I repeat, ACTION STATION protocol initialised.

    *The bridge doors shut and lock behind everyone, making a distinctive "clunk" sound. Only proiris confirmed crew can enter*
    Quote Originally Posted by ez64
    chalex has so much control we control ourselves

  15. #30
    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Re: The ATK Forum Roleplay (Again!)

    Bloo: Erm captain, they're called Fighter-Drones for a reason, since you know, they don't need pilots. However I do have a backup route through Tauron system in case things go south, just waiting for engineering to spool up the FTL.

    Chalex: Well done Bloo.

    Bloo: Also Sir...

    *the ships shudders as it comes under fire, the laser systems peppering into the shields of the enemy vessel*

    Chalex: *grunts after the shudder* Yes?

    *Oric releases the fighter-drones and then begin to engage the enemy, with lots of pew-pew-pews*

    Bloo: You're not wearing any trousers. Thought you'd like to know.

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