Attention newbies! There are too many of you fucknuggets for me to keep track of, i'm sorry to say, so I'm requesting a streamlined method of knowing you. Now I may sound like a bit of a prick for saying this, but I'm only really going to remember you all for the games you play (Same story for most of ATK... It's my honest method, though I still consider you all friends. Hugs and appoligies later, promise.)

So if you've signed up recently, or you've not being playing recently, I'm asking you to post THREE OR MORE games that you regularally play. If you can't name three, i'm not sure you're a gamer. This is the request. A couple points to add to it.

  • Old members can join in, if they so feel like it
  • Farmville doesn't count
  • Mods do count
  • Farmville Doesn't Count
  • Games you used to play count, if you can't think of three regulars

SIDENOTE: I'm sorry in advance if you don't like this method, but i'm willing to take all the negative reaction for the community in finding out what you ACTUALLY play. It's important for a gaming community, and there really are too many of you to ask seperatly at the moment.