OK, so we've been wondering for a couple days what to do regarding with ODIN, with many saying that finding a new guild for all of us being the way forward.
However, I've done a little checking of the roster, and it would appear things are not as bleak as they appear. I went through the guild roster, and with the help of WoW Heroes and WoWHead, created the following ranking lists in terms of gear (only those eligible for legitimate ICC runs are listed):
Assuming we focus on ICC10, and we have one or two people respec, we need only recruit about 5 or 6 more people to have a legit chance of rading ICC10 consistantly and without puggers. That said, a couple people listed are not as active as we would like, so we will need replacements for them, but with some concerted recruitment, and a little elitism (decent gear with gems and enchs and achi for first wing or two of ICC), I think we can get ODIN over the top.
it's worth mentioning that all those above and a couple more guildies can run TOTC10 as well, so we can start there as a bit of practice.
Post comments below. But looking at it, I think we are in a better position than most.