Originally Posted by
Well I'm open to reasonable offers.
I've never actually been caught out with the batteries to know a rough length, but before I had the grip (so could only use a single battery at a time and only had the 1 battery) I'd go at least a week light/med use without the need to charge it, and it went a long weekend abroad of intensive use on a single battery. The battery grip allows two to be used at a time, effectively doubling the battery life of the cam.
Replacing it with a Canon 50D which is a step up into the pro-sumer market. Only real reason for the upgrade is that doing more professional/paid work I need something that can do a very fast burst and not fill up the camera buffer quickly when shooting RAW, along with controlling studio lighting natively (Ok these aren't really needs, just makes my life easier lol). If I didn't need the cash from the sale of this then I'd most likely keep the 1000D, as combined with a 50mm prime its an extremely compact camera for days out that's got a lot more punch than a point and shoot.