It’ that time of year again where the sun is out, the birds are singing, music festivals are in full swing and most of us are inside having all the fun!

So, last year, I organised an events calendar and, for the most part, I thought it went quite well. Because of that, I will once again be running this for this year. However, in order to make it a bigger success than last year, I will need your help. I need your suggestions on what games and in what form to play? We obviously have the Gaming Nights, but what about custom LoL games, tournaments etc. (keep your eyes peeled for the first announcement later today). What about EVE Online ops, a revival of our WoW 1-80 Horde Character plan – no idea is a bad one (well, that’s not strictly true, but you know what I mean).

So post below with your suggestions and we can see what happens.