Well, I have a rudimentary 6, however ofc I'd like more applicants, just for moar choice and a bigger selection.

A note about team organisation:

We'll start by going cookie-cutter, meaning 2Scout, 2Soldier, 1Demo, 1Medic.

There are actually 2 callers on this team setup, as the scouts will almost never be around the main team, and will work in a buddy-system, with one giving instructions to the second.

Then the main team caller will give instructions to the main team.

One of the callers is normally the team leader, who gives the big orders to all players on the team.
I'm thinking about using whispers on mumble as communication is one of the most important aspects of Team play.

First Training Session: Thursday 1st September, 7:30pm?

I'll check with people on steam, if I don't get responses I'll assume you're too busy.

The training session won't be super formal, just to work out the team and learning a couple of the custom maps which I doubt many of you have played (I know I haven't).