By some manner of error, the company I bought Space Marine off of has not only sent me my code online, but two hard copies of the game, both with different serial keys than the one I was originally sent. It would appear I pressed buy a couple more times than I thought.
Seeing as many of ATK was interested in the game, but put off by it's price point, I will give you guys first crack at the hard copies at a discounted price before I put them up on Amazon.
You may notice I haven't put the price, and this is deliberate. Please put in the thread your offers for the games and I will then either sell to the two highest bids or place a definate price at a later date to then sell the games. Payment through PayPal or Bank Transfer only. I will send you the CD Key over steam then send the CD on once payment is complete.
Setsoru - Reserved
Chazlene - Reserved
Toasty - Offer