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Thread: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

  1. #16
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    No one has the power to make sub forums for new teams
    Me and Katakuna both have the power to do this, yet I have not heard once from anybody asking me to do anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    No one has the power to access and change the serves to what we want them to be
    Again, talk to me or Chalex and we'd have given you access to the servers.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    The servers we do have are out of date and no one has power to fix them
    See above.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    No one has any kind of authority to be able to approach new sponsors for teams / the community
    Wasn't CILLIT BANG in charge of this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    No one benefits in way from using the ATK name for anything
    It's up to the management to find ways of making the ATK name mean something. What are your ideas? Do you have any?

    Joe, stuff doesn't magically 'happen' in this world. If you want something to happen, you have to get off your ass and make it happen.

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  2. #17
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    "Me and Katakuna both have the power to do this". When was the last time either of you were online? If I'm being honest I forgot Katakuna was actually a part of ATK until you just mentioned it. We need ACTIVE members to have these powers so we don't have to wait around for weeks requesting things.

    We all wanted to play reverse gun game on out server the other day. Neither you OR Chalex were online to make this be able to happen, though Mitch was, but he has his powers taken away to be able to do so?

    I stick by what I said. No one has any kind of authority, no one being the active members, saying that though, who actually does? Because I wouldn't want to be part of anything represented by them if it's done this poorly.

    Edit: Also please don't try to belittle me posting about how stuff doesn't magically happen in this world, like my life is somehow inferior to yours or think I haven't had any sort of experience in doing things for myself. All I'm going to say is, if I wanted life lessons from someone who posts the size of their porn folder on reddit I might ask you, otherwise no thanks.

    And it's Fred's personal job to make sure we benefit from using ATK? I didn't realise he had the power to use the money to be put towards things for the community (unless you feel it not being spent at all is a better move?) If that's the case then I'll ask him, but I don't think it is.

    Believe me, if you actually bothered to come and speak to the people that you 'manage' a community for, you'd have heard us discussing plenty of ideas.

    And that final point is laughable. Do you actually realise the fucking irony in telling me to get off my ass and do something when that is EXACTLY what we're doing and you are standing in the way of it, as I said, laughable.
    Last edited by Joe; 20th March 2012 at 06:32 PM.

  3. #18
    Administrator Chalex4's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    You know why I like this thread? You are actually discussing things in a place where people can contribute to the discussion at a time that suits them. This whole "discussing ideas on TS" thing is all well and good, but did ANY of you actually ever create a thread about it in the suggestions forum? No, you didn't. As a result, the leadership finds out about these things only when you moan they didn't happen.

    I completely agree that we need to boost benefits to the team(s). You guys are doing us a favour right now, and that's awesome. I could go about "guessing" what you'd like, but it would be fab if someone could draw up a proposal and post it on the forum. The leadership can then go away and discuss it. In all likihoood, you'll get what you want.

    Quote Originally Posted by Excoundrel View Post
    you run this more like a dictatorship and less like a democracy.
    That's a very bold statement there. If you look back over the threads you'll see a lot of polls and very democratic approach being made. As such, I'll assume you got confused with your words. Moreso, I think it's the lack of progress that's annoying you all. I'm annoyed too. It took us far too long to get ATK v4.0 out, and there's a ton of stuff being raised here that sounds pretty urgent too. A big issue here has been the fact we effectively haven't had an ATK Manager (no offence Marshy). Remember, I reassigned responisibility over to him for everyday running of ATK. I was acting just as an advisor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    When was the last time either of you were online? If I'm being honest I forgot Katakuna was actually a part of ATK until you just mentioned it. We need ACTIVE members to have these powers so we don't have to wait around for weeks requesting things.
    If you actually look at the last time I was requested to create a new subforum, it was done within the hour. If you don't tell us either through the suggestion forum or PM, we can't do anything. Again, use the forum to your benefit!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    And it's Fred's personal job to make sure we benefit from using ATK? I didn't realise he had the power to use the money to be put towards things for the community
    Every member of the ATK Leadership had access to request funding from the ATK "pot of cash". I received no such requests.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    Do you actually realise the fucking irony in telling me to get off my ass and do something when that is EXACTLY what we're doing and you are standing in the way of it, as I said, laughable.
    As I said, this is why I LOVE this thread. It's as negative as it needs to be, as there's obviously been a lack of communication from both sides. I hope you take our comments on board and start posting lists of things you'd like done. The leadership can then prioritise effectively. Note also that the leadership is going to be reformed.

    Finally, all this chat about the Teamspeak server is amusing. I was told Joe got it for free, and was perfectly happy to give it to ATK to use. I said that sounds awesome . If that arrangement is annoying you, just say! We can easily get ourselves a new one that is paid for by other means.
    Quote Originally Posted by ez64
    chalex has so much control we control ourselves

  4. #19
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Thank you for actually responding. This is all we wanted, some kind of written repsonse from you about the situation and how it could change it wasn't intended to escalate like it has.

    If this is true about us simply needing to write up a request about things we would like (within reason) that it could happen then I'd be happy to chat about it with everyone else and write up ideas.

    Maybe the first idea could be a forum section where we can post said ideas?

  5. #20
    Administrator Chalex4's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    No problem man. It's not like any of us actually want to see ATK unhappy! Here's the suggestions forum:

    (it's existed for a while )
    Quote Originally Posted by ez64
    chalex has so much control we control ourselves

  6. #21
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Wow I'm clearly blind for not seeing that lol

  7. #22
    ATK Member Vicious Horizon's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    I'm not MEANT to have access to the TF2 servers if I remember correctly? Either that or someone who isn't meant to have access gave me access because I needed it to run the server while the team was active (I'm working on getting it active again by the way, for those interested).

    I dunno, it just seems like everyone is totally shut out from the management of the website.

    I mean I don't wanna cause offence, but Katakuna is never fucking online in the community, and neither is a majority of the management team.

    None of the active members of the community actually have any sort of power in the community and have no way of making any difference IN the community or changing the way it operates. Right now, and the it's always been is fuck the management because they don't do shit, it's not the website, nor the teams, nor the fancy widgets on the home page that's kept alive, it's been the tight-knit friends group who sit on teamspeak all fucken day and play games together.

    There's my thoughts.
    Take that ya one-eyed, bomb-lobbin', cactus eatin', pot bellied, thug fat jigglin-chicken whoopin' big, back-stabbin lob-armed creepy spastic bloody, blind-eyed pashy little twitchy pickle-headed rocke- hoppin, potato-poppin' phony two-faced stealthy mutant bastard!

  8. #23

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    I just don't want us in the situation where we have a great idea that we want to get on, but we have to wait 3 weeks for something to happen about it because the active manager has no access to the right tools.
    And we have wasted huge opportunities in the past, like lochtech which could have really prompted the community and maybe got us some free shit xD. We had the means but just didn't follow it up and the people that could have done it, didn't have any access to it. I think we need to just be able to do things and then change them to suit, not try and build it perfectly to start with. I understand chalex doesn't want to have things spoiled such as the site because its really good, but we need to take some risks with other projects!

  9. #24
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    All I'm going to say is, if I wanted life lessons from someone who posts the size of their porn folder on reddit I might ask you, otherwise no thanks.
    How long did it take you to look through my reddit history to find that one? It's cute you went to so much trouble to try and insult me.

    Look, I'm not trying to do something ridiculous like belittle you or anything retarded like that. Neither is this aimed at just you Joe, it's aimed at everyone who thinks this community is run by nothing but a bunch of dictators who want all the power for ourselves. It really isn't anything like that!

    Firstly, I'm always online. I'm almost always on Steam, I always check my emails. Heck, I even have you on Facebook! There's no excuse other than laziness for you not being able to get in contact with me, I'm sorry but that's the truth.

    I'm going to reiterate what Chalex said about making your opinions more known (this thread is a good start). It's no use just bitching about stuff on TS3 because none of the people with power will know. You're moaning that you're waiting weeks while you request things? I haven't seen any threads on the forum, I haven't been messaged on Steam, I haven't received an email. How do you expect us to deal with these theoretical requests if we never know they exist?

    Believe me, if you actually bothered to come and speak to the people that you 'manage' a community for, you'd have heard us discussing plenty of ideas.
    Could I not reverse your statement and say, "Believe me, if you actually bothered to come and speak to the managers of the community, you'd have seen many of your ideas implemented"?

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  10. #25
    ATK Member Vicious Horizon's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calneon View Post
    Could I not reverse your statement and say, "Believe me, if you actually bothered to come and speak to the managers of the community, you'd have seen many of your ideas implemented"?
    Because the management means completely fucking nothing in terms of the community?

    It's like 3 guys, whereas there's about 4 times that who are active members of the community who have nothing to do with how the community is run
    Take that ya one-eyed, bomb-lobbin', cactus eatin', pot bellied, thug fat jigglin-chicken whoopin' big, back-stabbin lob-armed creepy spastic bloody, blind-eyed pashy little twitchy pickle-headed rocke- hoppin, potato-poppin' phony two-faced stealthy mutant bastard!

  11. #26
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calneon View Post
    Could I not reverse your statement and say, "Believe me, if you actually bothered to come and speak to the managers of the community, you'd have seen many of your ideas implemented"?
    That's exactly what I plan on doing

    fair play to all of you if stuff gets done / atleast considered and fair play we could have tried this before, so I'll give it a try, but won't get my hopes up just yet!

  12. #27

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    That's a very bold statement there. If you look back over the threads you'll see a lot of polls and very democratic approach being made. As such, I'll assume you got confused with your words.
    Not exactly, from the impression i got on teamspeak there was little community input in the election of management team positions - I used such an extreme example to highlight the problem. I don't actually hold much attachment to ATK itself (don't get me wrong i like the community) , I'm merely here as I am on the team and a lot of my friends are. But as long as we can attain some benefit by being here I'll be happy; to attain that benefit there are lots of ideas that need to be put into motion. It's all very well discussing and suggesting but there needs to be results, you all need to set yourself deadlines for when you want things to happen.
    Last edited by Excoundrel; 20th March 2012 at 09:13 PM.

  13. #28
    Administrator Chalex4's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Meeting tonight was awesome guys, thanks for spending the time to go through stuff with me and others.

    Can't wait for future ATK .
    Quote Originally Posted by ez64
    chalex has so much control we control ourselves

  14. #29

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Yeh was good shit got sorted and we found things out and think the community will actually move forward, now we just need to carry out some of this stuff XD

  15. #30
    ATK Leadership CILLIT BANG's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    <---- cant do shit while at uni especialy when you switched to TS from Mumble so dont see how my role can be forfilled when i need to talk in voice as im shit at writing things so dont get me involved in the argument when i cant fully be involved with the community in term time (next year get a house so will be all fine)

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