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Thread: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

  1. #1

    League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Some of you more active members will know that recently a new League of Legends team has been set up in the community. The team actively plays weekly and has been progressing through tournaments on ESL and SK invitational tournaments.

    We currently play 5+ days a week for 3-4 hours with team plus solo que, and taking it pretty seriously in wanting to get known within the league of legends competitive scene. We have recently been approached by a formed community, already established in the competitive scene and looking to endorse our league of legends team. While this is exciting, I am reluctant to take the LoL team out of the ATK community, as i enjoy being part of it.

    Currently in terms of the benefits provided by the community, there is almost next to none apart from the forum provided for us. I was wondering if the competitive side of atk, is due to be developed before the next LAN, as well as becoming more well known in the general scene. (eg. CS:GO, DOTA 2, SC2). If not i am sorry to say that the LoL team will be moving, and wish you all the good luck in the future.
    Last edited by tiny2tom; 20th March 2012 at 02:43 AM.

  2. #2
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    As Gaming Manager, I am responsible for the activites of the Helix Gaming competitive side of ATK, which encompasses LoL.SL. I will be more than willing to discuss any improvements we can help you with in the coming days. I have just messeged you on Steam to begin this process.

  3. #3

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    We could easily do this, we have all the facilities, there just not open to us at all, Chalex has them all locked up, we have a CSS which we haven't been able to use for months because no one can update it.
    Joe has had to pay for teamspeak 3 and I think that if we could get more teams involved it would be easy for us to get sponsorship for events such as i-series and maybe other events. Also it would enable us to create things such as the loch tech monster, which would bring more people and money to the community.
    On the topic of money, whoever is made manager or com leader or w/e needs to have some control over this i.e knowing what revenue is being generated and where this money needs to be spent.
    We have a great core community, which with a little bit of effort could easily be converted into a decent org.
    I have also asked for a different home page for LoL team which is clearly never going to get done.

    I understand that people have other commitments now, but I think they should stand aside and let the people who have the time and are willing to put it into the community to do it. I think that people (chalex) should still get a great amount of credit for the work he put in originally and great effort that has been made to create such a great site, but I think now that you don't want to put that effort in then you should let the others who want to do it, do it. Otherwise the community is going to fall apart or create a new website, that obv won't be as good but thats what faces us.

    Also gaming manager is a joke Oric, I think the gaming nights you have arranged have been great and the fact you brought new people in is awesome but I don't think the whole "competitive management" is for you.
    Last edited by Target; 20th March 2012 at 03:59 AM.

  4. #4
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Sad to hear that you guys could be leaving considering right now you make up at least 50% of the active community... It would be awesome if we could get the competitive side of ATK to grow before LAN.
    Something that could be really good in helping new ATK teams start would be getting servers for their respective games? I'm not going to lie and say none of us have a good idea about how much the site makes, because we do, and it would be really awesome if the money could go towards supporting the community because as of now (unless it's proven otherwise) it's all going elsewhere :/

    Anyway without making that sound so bad, what I'm trying to say is that if there's any money lying around (which we're led to believe there is) it would be pretty cool if we could have the community buy t-shirts for it's members to wear to LAN to help further promote the teams, whenever I walked past a table at LAN with like 20 people wearing the same team shirt I always thought it looked pretty cool.

    Final point here also is that I think Mitch should be the leader of ATK because there are so many cool things he could do for us e.g sorting the shirts, sorting out servers, the fact he has been in the community for so long and knows basically everything to do with it / everyone in it, and he has non biased opinions on everything which helps when shit goes down on ts...

  5. #5

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    yhea pretty much my 2 cents is what target and joe said, and i always heard about how big the atk css servers where a while back and it'd be pretty nice to see them be used and active again and have the community more known and recognised at lans as well instead of being fairly unheard of.
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  6. #6
    ATK Leadership CILLIT BANG's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    im gna be pro at cs.go even if i have to set up a team im gna no life the shit out of it so il make us competative ... sounds like a plan yes?

  7. #7

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Also I think Oric would have made a great community manager, he has shown he has great organizational skills, with the recent success of gaming nights, I think you just need to leave the technical and competitive side to those who are involved in it, until they actually need a manager.

  8. #8
    Administrator Chalex4's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    That's sad to hear guys. I hope Oric has had a good chat with you about this.

    In terms of this whole situation we're now in, it was meant to be fixed by the ATK Leadership. Marshy wanted to do everything you're talking about, so I left it to him and the others (Chaz, Oric, Cillit, Cal & Kata). Unfortunately things didn't happen, Marshy didn't make any big leaps forward (no offence), and so we find ourselves a while later with no progress. I never wanted to really have to dip my toe back in the ATK bucket, and certainly don't think I'd be responsible for running every day stuff again.

    So, we're back where we started. We need a new leadership. It's obvious all you guys love Mitch, and that's great, but I want to chat to everyone about this stuff. Somehow basically all decisions seem to happen on TS, and not on the forums (which I check all the time). Either way, I'll be on Teamspeak tonight and we can get this sorted out.

    Echoing you guys above, ATK is great today, but can be so much more. We all have great ideasso let's just pull our fingers out and make them happen .
    Quote Originally Posted by ez64
    chalex has so much control we control ourselves

  9. #9

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chalex4 View Post
    Marshy wanted to do everything you're talking about, so I left it to him and the others (Chaz, Oric, Cillit, Cal & Kata). Unfortunately things didn't happen, Marshy didn't make any big leaps forward (no offence)
    What can i say, i learn from the best!

  10. #10

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chalex4 View Post
    Marshy wanted to do everything you're talking about, so I left it to him and the others (Chaz, Oric, Cillit, Cal & Kata). Unfortunately things didn't happen, Marshy didn't make any big leaps forward (no offence)
    What can i say, i learn from the best!

  11. #11
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    You don't realise that nothing can happen until you instigate it. Every idea HAS to go through you, NO ONE has power to do ANYTHING. That's the reason why no one can put in the effort in, because you won't let us.

  12. #12

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    I haven't been in the community for long, but I've been around competitive gaming for a very long time.

    Basically right now, we, the League team have no 'benefit' to using the Aim To Kill name for our League team.

    It's something that is becoming serious, we plan on competing at i-Series, we're entering multiple tournaments a week and spending hours improving and practicing every week, almost every night. Outside of playing together as a team we're spending hours upon hours playing solo Q to improve.

    Right now, there's no incentive for us to use the Aim To Kill name. It's not that we don't want to, it's just that, to put it bluntly, why should we? Something such as a performance based incentive would be something that from a business point of view in your end would be beneficial and from our point of view would be an incentive to improve furthermore.

    The League team, amongst other members of the community from what I've gathered in my limited time here feel that all the power lies in the wrong people. All the people with the power are the ones that don't have a true grasp or understanding of what to do with it. You have a plethora of people that have that understanding of how to make things happen but they simply sit there smashing their heads on TS night after night because nothing gets done from the leadership point of view when it is brought up.

    My understanding is also that this whole situation is a recurring thing with people expressing their disinterest to continue a community that has no drive from a leadership point of view and the leaderships response is always "Ok, great ideas, lets get the ball rolling on them" but the ball never leaves the starting pen, because again no-one with power has the understanding to start things rolling.

    I hope people value my opinions because as little as I've been around the Aim To Kill community, I've been around e-Sports for 10+ years and I know exactly what people desire and how to get it, since I've already done it in several other games. The core issue is, nothing will work unless you have leadership that has the motivation to do it and make things happen. Right now, people think, and I agree, that the leadership doesn't seem to care.

    I mean right now you have a community member paying for your Team Speak server, a community member trying to make contacts to get your name out there and reputable through the League of Legends team. Personally, I think the leadership seriously need to step up and relate to the community a lot more, or move on and give it to someone that is willing to do so.
    Last edited by Kermit; 20th March 2012 at 03:50 PM.

  13. #13
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    You don't realise that nothing can happen until you instigate it. Every idea HAS to go through you, NO ONE has power to do ANYTHING. That's the reason why no one can put in the effort in, because you won't let us.
    I'm sorry, that's complete bullshit. You think Chalex is just going to give you full access to the website, full access to the ATK funds? Don't be absurd. The reason nothing has happened is because the leadership hasn't been pro-active in getting anything done. I'm sure if you had a good idea for the site, Chalex would be more than happy to give you the resources to make it happen.

    Name me one idea, fully thought through and planned, that would have benefited the community, that Chalex actually stopped you from doing.

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  14. #14
    ATK Member Joe's Avatar
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    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    Quote Originally Posted by Calneon View Post
    Name me one idea, fully thought through and planned, that would have benefited the community, that Chalex actually stopped you from doing.
    [NOTE - By 'no one' here, I mean no one who is active, and all the people who ARE active are being given no power to change this, that's another point while I'm at it.]

    No one has the power to make sub forums for new teams
    No one has the power to access and change the serves to what we want them to be
    The servers we do have are out of date and no one has power to fix them
    No one has any kind of authority to be able to approach new sponsors for teams / the community
    No one benefits in way from using the ATK name for anything

    Infact the only benefit there is, is forum space which is easily accessible anyway. And maybe the team-speak server, which isn't even provided by ATK.

    But no Calneon, I totally understand what you mean about how there is nothing we are being stopped from doing and appreciate yet another one of your happy, helpful responses to our posts.

  15. #15

    Re: League of Legends team moving on and upwards?

    I've been here say, since november time? I don't often post on here and communicate mainly through team speak but I will throw in my opinion:

    Being on the league team I have no reason to see why we should be attached or affiliated with ATK at this moment in time. We gain nothing from it. ATK as a gaming community has one competitive team, us. Without us you're just a bunch of friends who play some games now and again and to have any real standing as a gaming community you need to organise and recruit for competitive teams. Send those teams to I-series etc and get your name out there. If you get a number of competitive teams out there you can then approach sponsors who, for a little bit of sponsorship, can get their names on ATK t shirts at tournaments etc. With that money you can PAY FOR YOUR OWN teamspeak server and provide t-shirts. I don't understand why no one is making the effort to do it? Surely it benefits everyone.

    Personally I also feel on the topic of leadership, not that i really give a shit, that you run this more like a dictatorship and less like a democracy. It reminds me of a very old school wow guild where guild leader = god and his members are simply there because they get the benefit of a good raiding guild and don't want to leave; i wish i could say the same for ATK - at the moment what benefit do any of ATKs members get? Why would they listen to the leadership team when they could probably just go join another gaming community all together (so losing no friendly contact with anyone) and get better benefits. It's not like we would stop talking to each other because Joe owns the teamspeak server.

    Thats my impartial opinion anyway.
    Last edited by Excoundrel; 20th March 2012 at 04:53 PM.

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