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May as well post here since I didn't fully get my point across on Skype.
Nothing in my life pisses me off more than when people accuse me of doing something I haven't done. I'm one of the most honest people you will ever meet. If I make a mistake, I take responsibility for it and will use it to improve in the future. I'm normally one of the first people to admit if I did something wrong. All my life I've been accused of doing things, not just small stuff, lots of things. Stealing is the main one. I did a 6 month youth offending team order as well as community service for a crime I didn't commit. I'm constantly accused of doing things I haven't done and have often had to pay the consequences for it. So NOTHING pisses me off more than that. So whilst to you guys it might be petty to get pissed off over it, it's something that's always affected my life. I'm the first to admit my mistakes, it's how I improve. By the way, check LoL Replay, you'll clearly see I was on Tristana within 2 seconds of her leaving the bush, got ulti'd back into the team fight, ran to her again and she rocket jumped away from me, into the team fight.
(I'm not saying the following acting like a saint, I'm fully aware I had things I needed to improve on)
Excoundrel didn't practice enough and wasn't about enough for the team to practice efficiently. We'd play 2-3 games a night if we're lucky which is nothing. The first game is a warm up and then there's one game of practicing a night normally which will get you almost no-where. I have the feeling he wasn't taking the League team as serious as I was (I was happy to play ranked 5s for 10 hours a day).
When Drauen and Theory argue, whilst they don't realise it, it often boiled down to them wanting to best the other due to them being siblings. You probably didn't see it, but that's how it came across to me.
There was little input from Drauen/Excoundrel (which probably won't even read this cause they didn't read the forums to participate in the team discussions) regarding potential new line ups, champion picks and general ideas.
Drauen plays way too fucking aggressively top and plays ranked 5s more like it's solo Q often. Even after weeks of trying to get it sorted we've still lost games because of it.
Again, I'm far from fucking perfect at League and will be the first to admit my mistakes. Losing a game due to a bad engage is one thing that can be improved, losing a game because one lane over extends repeatedly isn't something that shows sign of improvement.
So that's why I left. Might seem petty, but whatever. End of the day I told people that nothing annoys me more than when people accuse me of doing something I haven't done, especially when people then attempt to mock me for doing so. People still continued to do so.