As the thread says Chalex has spoken to me and is canceling out renewal on the Dedi in February.
Since it doesn't really get used to play games on often its not that bigger deal really but TS is running from there.
There are a lot of other things we could have done with it but nobody seems to have the time or interest.
It costs about £45 / month for the dedi.
Obviously we can rent TS for less than that (i think about £7 / month for as many slots as we need but im not sure maybe less).
If people want to keep the server and are willing to donate a little (£4-£5 each or something) then it can stay and I'm happy to give people access to the server to do what they want (within reason, can be discussed) for that.
If chalex wants to go on a power crusade and say that unacceptable then so be it.
I'm happy to commit to making a donation of £5 / month. If anyone else is then I'll keep a tally on this thread.
Mitch £5
Vicious £5