Yarr, set your sails landlubbers and all that shit.

You've probably heard me speak about it on TS, new MMO that has just come out in Europe, and is in a closed beta stage at the moment.

It's set in piratey times, with the Earth as the map. You get a character and a ship which is basically a second character, with ship classes of Warship, Explorer or Merchant to choose from. Just go here to find out more: http://bbo.yusho.de/en/Startpage

The Open beta is starting at the end of the month when you'll be able to join, and we'll set up a guild and declare war on Sweden and crap.
A good tip is to download the client before the Open Beta starts, since it won't take as long because a shit load of people will be downloading it when the Open Beta starts - which is free of course, when the full version comes out it will be pay monthly.