What the hell, i'll apply for WAGS, as long as their is no physical...
Also, I timed out with the thread I made beforehand.

Name: Bond, Harry Bond.
Ingame Name: Bloo
Xfire/MSN: bluedeckofcards@hotmail.com
Games you play: Err, a lot... CS:S I guess, thats important for a CS:S clan, right? Oh and Guild Wars, Supreme Commander, Dawn of War, and many more.
Interests/Hobbies: Rape, thats both an interest and a hobby. Aborting babies with a rusty coat-hanger and laughing at radical feminists who rape beavers. Also slapping my thigh is great fun, just ask Chalex4 for a second opinion.
Favorite Band: I don't know... Lazy Town?
Have a microphone (Yes/No): Yes
Skill level : Apparantly i'm 'good' at CS:S, but thats a load of bull.