Clan's Full Name: Royal Guards
Clan Tag: HrH. (eg. HrH.Ph4nt0m)
Clan Leader's Real Name: Sam Bigos
Clan Leader's In-Game Name: Phantom (aka Calneon)
Clan Location: Uh, England?
Clan Leader's MSN/Xfire: Xfire = 5am
Clan Leader's Email:
Age Range: 16+
Admin's Steam I HrH.Ph4nt0m |ATK| (is that the ID, im not sure)
Does your clan have/use Teamspeak?: We use the ATK TS
Games Your Clan Plays: CoD4, CoH (Company of Heroes), plus Source games.
Are you in any leagues?: No
Small Description/Extra Information: Me and 2 friends from school started it, thats all we have atm but we're gonna recruit soon.
Preferable Teamspeak Channel Name: Royal Guards
Username of admin (so we can grant CA): Calneon