As you all know, we have registered on the website and have so far received over 800 hits from their site. Obviously, the longer we can stay near the very top of the list, the more visitors we will get. Therefore, it would be great if you could all vote as often as you can (every 6 hours is the most often you can vote) to keep us in 2nd, or maybe even become 1st. If you have looked at their site recently, you will see that it is now filled with clans and communities, and their forums are become more and more active - we will need to be active to stand a chance of being near the top.
(There is also a button on the left of the homepage underneath the "UK Web. Solutions Direct" sponsors box).
We have been told that we can also win $100 for posting tips and tricks to do with running clans and communities. I believe that this is definitely worth a try, and some people have already submitted articles on their forums. Here is a quote from their site:
So, it would be great if you guys could post any of your ideas for an article with your tips and tricks, or even stuff relating to the "Try Out" topic.If your going after the $100.00 for a article submission, you can post on any type of topic. However, if you post an article answering the question below, it'll be extra kudos to your article.
Should Teams have new recruits "Try Out?" Is it beneficial to the team or just a waste of time? Tell us why.
We pay for the articles that we feature. Good Luck!
EDIT: If you are unable to vote, please make sure that you are on when you vote, not another of our domains.