Our IT Teacher was discussing networks and talked about RM. The discussion lead onto RM Tutor 3 and we all had a bit of a laugh at kids being caught out in the middle of flash games and getting their accounts messed with.
He said that RM Tutor 3 is accessible through a Student account. Darkdeagle and I fancied a challenge so now were going to find out how that's possible. We're probably going to spend lunch and a few lessons trying to get in/see what other stuff can be "achieved" with RM.
Other than Google and our attempts at trying to get into the Command Prompt we will need some advice on some obvious and some hidden places that we could find RM Tutor. Or our IT teacher could be screwing with us but what the hell.
These are the restrictions we have on the computers:
- Strict website filtering (We can both easily get round that)
- "Run" and Command Prompt are hard to get into
- We cannot run .exe and .bat files
- We can't access any of the hard drives
We'll extend this list as we have a proper crack at what we can and can't do.
We reckon an admin's password would be a good start, or our Science teacher has been allowed to run .exe's (No other teacher can.)
Post ideas below.
NOTE: Before you ask our IT teacher would allow us to try this just as long as we don't screw with any accounts.