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Thread: Hutch's Admin Abuse on CS Server - 11th April 2008

  1. #31
    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Re: Hutch's Admin Abuse on CS Server - 11th April 2008

    For this situation... i'm on Hutchypoo's side. Oric is just doing this because he doesn't like Hutch and making it a bigger incident than it really is.

    Far as I can see, Oric, VoX and Chazlene were playing CSS since someone probably said "Lets play CSS". Ya'know, for fun and all. Hutch came on CSS because he wanted to blow off some steam.
    Hutch said "Oric can't win he's pinned" which to me, doesn't sound like much... then he gets muted and there is some "Mwah mwah mwah" from VoX and Chazlene (those guys shouldn't of done that either, so at this point Hutch right now has doesn't anything wrong.)
    Huch gets angry, he's blowing off steam afterall so it's all pent up and kicks everyone and then leaves. He shouldn't of done that, but all of us do things we regret when we're angry.
    Oric catches wind of all of this and makes a huge argument out of it because he hates Hutch - look it's this thread!
    Oric attempts to be all grownup as he always does, but is also whinging to Chalex like a child does to his mother when they don't get their favourite toy. He does that mock "I'm not angry look at me!" but actually is, Hutch isn't that subtle and just is angry and just shouts. Oric doesn't want a debate, he wants to humiliate Hutch like always and thats about it.

    So here is my response: This is a nothing incident and if anything VoX and Chazlene should be punished for tempting Oric with another clip of ammo to shoot at Hutch, but thats just my own brand of justice. If Hutch gets punished for this, just count me out of the whole community altogether, Oric is just once again doing his stupid routine of shouting and whinging until it's all a big mess and we rebrand ourselves as some other clan/community/thing. Because really, this kind of thing has been happening since the days of Morph and his TS (but atleast he was a bastard and shitted on both of them at the same time). This isn't meant to be a flame, but it's a complete honest truth from my perspective, with no flowers or cuddles to soften it. Deal with it.

  2. #32
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: Hutch's Admin Abuse on CS Server - 11th April 2008

    This has nothing to do with the fact that I dislike Hutch and his personality. To be honest, if it had been VoX or Daemon in this situation (this and the previous event with the TeamSpeak spamming for anyone who lives under a rock), then I would have acted in the same manner.

    I have already tried to pull the discussion away from personal jibes at people for the last two pages, and the last thing I wish to do is turn this thread into the ultimate bitch thread, get it locked, and have the issue disappear.

    As stated before, Hutch was not on TS at this time, and came onto CSS seemingly randomly before the event. He did not come onto TS afterwards either.

    I also don't appreciate being compared to a 5 year old.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloo View Post
    He shouldn't of done that, but all of us do things we regret when we're angry.
    Yes, but we don't all just bring out our anger on others who have done nothing to them. Plus the fact, as an admin, he could have easily unmuted himself if it was unjustified (we shall wait for what VoX and Chaz say)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloo View Post
    Oric catches wind of all of this and makes a huge argument out of it because he hates Hutch - look it's this thread!
    Oric attempts to be all grownup as he always does, but is also whinging to Chalex like a child does to his mother when they don't get their favourite toy. He does that mock "I'm not angry look at me!" but actually is, Hutch isn't that subtle and just is angry and just shouts. Oric doesn't want a debate, he wants to humiliate Hutch like always and thats about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloo View Post
    This isn't meant to be a flame
    Last edited by Isphera; 13th April 2008 at 12:54 PM.

  3. #33
    Administrator Chalex4's Avatar
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    Re: Hutch's Admin Abuse on CS Server - 11th April 2008

    In this case I must say that I do agree with most of what Bloo is saying. Hutch wasn't right in kicking everyone from the server, but it is hardly the worst thing that he has ever done and it's not like you couldn't just rejoin and carry on playing.

    We all act badly at times, and I can hardly believe that Hutch did this thinking that it would cause this much disruption. He was after all provoked by Chazlene/Vox by being muted after only saying that Oric couldn't win or something, which was probably just a bit of fun. He then got pissed of that everyone was ignoring him AGAIN, over-reacted and kicked everyone. This isn't an issue with just how Hutch reacted, everyone on that server needs to think of the consequences of their actions a bit more carefully in the future.

    It is a well known fact that Hutch and Oric, despite their agreement to never argue again (lol), are always going to disagree with each other. I don't think that removing his admin or banning him is going to fix any of these problems, and I do hope that Hutch realises that he did act badly.

    I know Oric that you are going to be hopping mad that I haven't done exactly what you wanted, and I don't think that writing an essay replying to this is going to help anyone.

    What would be nice is an apology from Hutch, acknowledging that he did make a mistake.
    Quote Originally Posted by ez64
    chalex has so much control we control ourselves

  4. #34
    ATK Member Bloo's Avatar
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    Re: Hutch's Admin Abuse on CS Server - 11th April 2008

    And i'm locking this thread, to prevent anyone whining about how it was dealt with.

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