Well, our teamwork in our last game was appalling to be honest as hardly anyone listened to the caller (I'll admit I had a major fuck up) but if the call goes, LISTEN!

Here are some tactics written up by Midge:

General Tactics

1) There should be only one caller, this is the person who calls the shots, every obeys his commands and does not go out glory hunting.
2) Don't go glory hunting, you'll only lose the match.
3) No mic spamming, the caller is to be heard all the time, if enemy/enemies are spotted, give a number and location and that's all.
4) Again, obey the caller, can't stress this one enough!!
5) Listen to what the caller tells you to buy.
6) Caller will either say before the round starts eco, buy up, or tell u a specific weapon, obey!!
7) Learn these terms!!
eco= nade, 2 flashes, smoke (if told), defusal (if possible)
buy up= freedom to buy weapons (except awp)
specific weapons are kinda obvious...
8) Awps shall only be bought by the player told to, no-one else.

Dust2 T Tactics

1) Smokes to be bought by 2 players every round (caller will tell who) and will smoke down middle and smoke out the door.
2) Follow callers tactics.
3) When the bomb is planted, camp, do not rush, main priority is the bomb.
4) If caller asks for an awper, T will wait out of view at spawn until awp takes out/ records how many people cross, and caller then proceeds.

Dust2 CT Tactics

1) ALWAYS BUY A DEFUSE!!!! that should be the first thing you buy.
2) Awper only to be used if told.
3) Stick to positions told by the caller.
4) No rushing.
5) When the call is made, make ur way to relevant bomb site.
6) If no awper is being used, get 2 players to smoke the double doors, stops awpers from T seeing numbers at B.

Learn them. (Not off by heart obviously lol.)