We've all been in the situation where Steam decides to wipe all of our saved server favourites. Not only is this annoying, but many times you will never find the server again.

This is why ATK has created customised Game Menu files for use with CSS and TF2. They allow all players to connect to their favourite ATK servers quickly and easily.

1. CSS

Click here for larger
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/04/09

There are two different versions, with the one shown above being for those of you that use the match server (no password required) as well as the public servers (this is called "Match"). The other version called "Public" lists just our public CSS servers.

Installation Instructions:
  1. Download the relevant file: CSS Public GameMenu.res | CSS Match GameMenu.res (Right click > Save As).
  2. Place the above in the following directory (based on default Steam installation, adjust for your install path): CProgram Files\Steam\steamapps\account\counter-strike source\cstrike\resource where account is your Steam login name.

By default you won't be overwriting another GameMenu.res file, but if you have an existing version, simply rename it to GameMenu.res.old to safely back it up.


2. TF2

Click here for larger
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/04/09

There are two different versions, with the one shown above being for those of you that use the match server (no password required) and SourceTV server as well as the public servers (this is called "Match"). The other version called "Public" lists just our public TF2 servers.

Installation Instructions:
  1. Download the relevant file: TF2 Public GameMenu.res | TF2 Match GameMenu.res (Right click > Save As).
  2. Place the above in the following directory (based on default Steam installation, adjust for your install path): CProgram Files\Steam\steamapps\account\team fortress 2\tf\resource where account is your Steam login name.

By default you won't be overwriting another GameMenu.res file, but if you have an existing version, simply rename it to GameMenu.res.old to safely back it up.


To uninstall simply delete the GameMenu.res file from the particular "resource" folder and your games will revert to the standard menus after being re-launched.

Enjoy them - if you have any suggestions let me know!