Ok, this thread should go into a hidden corner somewhere, but AFAIK, there's nothing I can do about that as of yet.

Caller Instructions will be as follows:

"ECO" (ee-ko) - Buy 1 frag, 2 flash, 1 smoke, defuse kit
"CODINE" (ko-deen) - Buy 1 frag, 1 flash, defuse.
"ASSAULT" (a-solt) - 2 People buy Pump/Auto shotguns (money dependant), 2 buy M4/AK or Bullpup/Kreig
"BLACK" (bl-ak) - 2 People buy Snipers, 2 buy M4/AK Bullpup/Kreig
"HUNT" (Hunt) - Buy what you want, suited to automatic hunting.
"CLAY" (Clay) - Buy what you want, suited to defensive techniques.

I'll add more after next training, depending on if I think I'll need them or not.

On DE maps, It would be nice if we had 2 designated scouts, these two would go to viewpoints where they can safely view the bomb areas.

One goes to A, other goes to B.

If Scout A sees enemies moving towards Bombsite A, he'll call "Acute", The main group wait 2 seconds, before moving to A.

If Scout B sees contacts, He'll call "Boomer", team wait 2 seconds before moving to B.

IF BOTH SCOUTS CALL, Caller will either say "Go Go" Which means "Go to A", or "Ka-Boom" which is go to B.

I know this may seem complicated, but at next training, we'll sort it out, and we can all practise this.

I wouldn't mind it if people who aren't necessarily in the team turn up, but if we could get straight into tactics that would be very appreciated, rather than having a piss-about, while that was quite fun, we didn't really get much done ^^,

- Happy Hunting