Bit of a wild idea I had earlier today in regards to get the TF2 team up and running, with the final poll under way on the team name there should be nothing holding us back now.

What I propose is that we dedicate a night we are all free and then have a "mini-match" so to speak of TF2 6v6.
The reasons I have for this, is that when I first made the jump from public TF2 to competitive is that I found it a completely different game, and id rather play a few internal practice matches between ourselves to get us into the swing of it.

To make up the numbers if less people appear, I will get people I know out of ATK to play in who have played competitive TF2 before to give you more of an idea.

Also I shall try to give an even spread of skill level and classes from what I've seen/heard, for example Mitch will be on one team as a medic and Oric on the other as their medic. ( as these are the only two who have expressed an interest as the team medic)

Lastly treat this as an actual game, listening to your designated leader, acting as a single unit when to push/fall back, using ubers wisely. I will post up a few tactic based threads at a later date, I will also go through maps directing where people should go, when to push etc

Post if your interested, times that your avaliable, and any other comments as your see fit.