So trading came out on friday as most of you know, and i managed to capitalise on this.

never underestimate the power of people's stupidity...

So i started off with a shooters sola top.

Kacere (who's part of ATK) wanted a tossel cap.

I went to a trading server and managed to bag a tossel cap in a straight trade for my sola top.

I then managed to get Kacere to trade me his Tyrant's Helm, L'Etranger and his Gloves of Running Urgently for my Tossel cap.

I then took this Tyrants Helm to another server and managed to do a STRAIGHT TRADE for an UNUSUAL MEDIC'S MIRROR.

Was so shocked he did this but hey.

I then took this unusual medic's mirror to another server, where i traded it for a tyrant's helm (which is what i wanted in the first place), a vintage Merryweather, a magistrates mullet and a gentleman's Gatsby.

Now im off to flog the mullet and gatsby for more hats

Oh yeah and if anyone wants a mullet or gatsby feel free to ask, im a reasonable man.