Just to let everyone know, these are the current permissions that everyone on our server has, suggestions for letting certain people / groups have more are welcome!

Group - Default

/help - Show commands you can use, add a number after 'help', eg. 'help 2' to show a different page
/home - Teleports you to your home. Set with /sethome
/sethome - Check /home
/motd - Shows the message of the day
/rules - Shows the server rules
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn
/list - Shows you a list of who is online
/me - Used for actions, eg. '/me slaps moeshi', would say 'Joe slaps moeshi'
/afk - Marks you as AFK
/whois - Shows you who is AFK
/lwc - Permission to lock chests, type /lwc in-game for full list of locking commands

Group - ATK

- All of 'Default's commands
- Prefix infront of name ( [ATK] )
/tp - Teleport to someone, eg. '/tp moeshi'
/clearinventory - gets rid of ALL of your items
/warp - warp to a warp that has been set by a mod/admin, eg. '/warp ship'
/nick - Sets yourself a nickname, eg. '/nick gribbin joe' your name first, the name you want second
/tree - spawns a tree 2 blocks infront of you
/jump - teleports you to the block you are looking at

Group - Moderator

- All of 'Default' and 'ATK's permissions
- Prefix infront of name ( [MOD] )
- The ability to use a compass to teleport to a block by clicking
/tp - teleport to someone, eg. '/tp moeshi'
/tphere - teleport someone to you, eg. '/tphere moeshi'
/god - enable god mode
/ungod - disable god mode
/time - Changes time, options: '/time day', '/time night'
/weather - Changes the weather, options: '/weather sunny', 'weather rain', 'weather snow'
/give - give someone an item(s), eg. '/give moeshi diamond 1' - /give 'name' 'item' 'number'
/item OR /i - give yourself an item, eg. '/i diamond 1' - /i 'item' 'number'
/kick - Kick someone from the server, eg. '/kick moeshi'
/tempban - Temporary ban someone, eg. '/tempban moehsi 2h30m' - IMPORTANT, the numbers order is, [years] - [months] - [weeks] - [days] - [hours] - [minutes] - [seconds] - this CAN be bypassed by using abbreviations eg. 2d3hr3m, for 2 days, 3 hours and 3 minutes.
/broadcast - Send a message to everyone online
/toggle jail - Jail someone, eg. /togglejail moeshi spawnjail - /togglejail [player] [jailname]
/msg - send someone a private message, eg. /msg moeshi hi
/warp - warp to somewhere that has been set by a mod/admin, e.g '/warp ship'
/setwarp - set a warp point, eg. '/setwarp ship'
// - turn on/off super pickaxe, the command is '//' no words.
/clearinventory - Clear your inventory
/tree - spawns a tree 2 blocks infront of you
/lwc mod - Extra permissions for locking addon, you can view others chests even if locked

Group - Admins

ALL commands
/lwc admin - Even more locking permissions, eg. removing someones lock, changing who a chest is locked to

As I said, suggestions for new groups, or players/groups to have permissions are welcome!