Saw this tweet the other day from TotalBiscuit (LoL and occasional SC2 caster at events such as the i-Series and Dreamhack). Now my opinion of him is that he should be nowhere near a microphone for SC2 as he obviously has no idea what he is on about, and his Silver League status can vindicate that (I'm in Bronze and I admit I barely know anything about Protoss or Zerg apart from units and their counters).

I thought it was an interesting statement so I went in search to try and find the game replay. Not only that, the SC2 forum I signed up for today (HotKeyIt) actually had the guy who played him post up the replay. An excerpt from the game chat logs:

14:45 [All] TotalBiscuit: heh BUILD MEHRINE
15:06 [All] CW
15:10 [All] TotalBiscuit: prtty much a joke what you can do on 2 bases when I'm on 4
15:23 [All] CW Dunno man
15:55 [All] TotalBiscuit: you shouldn't have won that and it's bs that you did tbh
15:59 [All] TotalBiscuit: gg i guess
Now I hear you all saying "Marines OP, nerf Terran", but looking at the replay (which can be DL'ed HERE) and the more knowledgeable people over at HotKeyIt, it seems that he was behind on upgrades, didn't drone up to match the number of bases, produced next to no banelings and streamed his units.

Feel free to call me a noob, but if I ever end up playing him on ladder or get a game casted at i-Series, I'm gonna have some fun, cause not only is this guy a complete bigot (see previous rants about his opinion on deaf raiders) but he has no justification to be casting top gamers when it is quite clear he has no idea what he's doing.