Just made a thread to show the LoL cake chazle designed for me

First off, had to go to teh stand, where we saw - "Your baker today is..... BLACK"

This is the cake boxed before we get the top printed on sugar paper

And since the woman in tesco insisted the pc didnt have the ability to plug in my magical device (a usb stick) - 2 front usb's when i looked..... we had to get the photo printed to have her scan it to print it......

Here the photo is next to the boxed cake. as you can see alot of colour was lost in teh scan.

With candles!

Jenny trying to light candles, and being incapable of doing so, requiring a man to do difficult tasks.....

Half lit, letting the lighter cool down.

mmmmmm shiney

Taken the candles out after blowing all but one of them out whilst shouting DEMACIA!!!!!! And i think lux may have died a little....

OMM NOM NOM - 2 slices removed