You may be disappointed here, since because my digital camera is useless and seems to think perfectly good batteries are flat, I could only take a few photos on my phone. However, I believe Mitch took a few pictures, including a probably quite embarrassing group photo of all of us, so they will be posted soon as well hopefully.

The upsides of the PCGSD included not actually having to spend any money at all apart from transport, since we won our tickets free off the internet, and because Rustlers were giving away free ready-cooked burgers throughout the day we didn't need to buy any food. Another upside was not having to queue at all really to play on Far Cry 2, and Far Cry 2 being awesome once you were on it.

The downsides included there being 12 Xbox 360's together, two of which played fairly decent games, and the other 12 played some crappy Tiger Woods golfing game. I mean, who actually likes Golf?

It was a good day overall, being able to play on games you'd been waiting for and meeting up with other members of ATK, anyway here are the photos:

Friend of Wander playing Far Cry 2:

Exhibition Hall:

Main Stage:

And this is why we didn't play Left 4 Dead. Yes that's right, WE DIDN'T PLAY LEFT 4 DEA