as u all kno knives dont kill people .... the person holdin it does .... knifing ppl is fun ... but this generaly leads me on to say without people there are no knives .... we hav an abundance of knifes which are useless and crap without people .... GET FUKING PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY THEN COMMUNITY = GOOD then we can all go yey cos we hav people and have more fun and challex has more money to but stuff for his pc ... yes we all kno ur pc that *spawned* at a random time .. it was not christmas like some ppl say ffs -_- this community is run by fags work together or eat the shit i hav had too cut muself cos of lack of ppl ....

i hope u engoyed this thred i hav used as many spelling mistakes and ggramatical mistakes cos i really cba writing much more or even looking over it but meh

LOVE U ALL u sexy bastard nerds
