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Thread: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

  1. #31
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Vicious Horizon View Post
    Nowhere in LoL can you pay for any meaningful advantage, it's something that they strive to keep from happening.
    But back to topic:

    I don't see why everyone's getting so much anal pain from a small amount of money which you can pay for if you want.
    If you don't want it, don't pay the money and don't complain that other people have bought it, it was your decision.

    As far as I'm concerned, DICE and EA can do what they want with the pricing, it's their product, they can do what they want to it.

    I don't see why people think they're so entitled to be able to dictate everything a company does, not every company is VALVe, and not every company should be.

    The awesome gamer community we have often makes us think that we are an integral part of the development team.
    We're not.
    And we shouldn't be, sure, businesses should listen to their consumers, but what gives US the right to dictate and tell THEM how they should price their products, how they should market their products, and slam them for utilising a legitimate and proven business strategy in order to maximise their profits.

    Why the fuck should they have to listen to people complaining about getting more for their money at a price cheaper than every single console gamer out there?

    The console price without this additional content is going to be between £40 and £50, and us PC gamers are complaining about an OPTIONAL OPTION FOR EXTRA CONTENT IN GAME?


    Get some perspective, please.
    At the moment it's a £5 price increase, and you get exclusive guns and ammo. Don't come crying to me when publishers hike the price up and up, and split their games up into minuscule parts and market them off as pre-order and day 1 DLC for £5 per map. It's not unlikely in a few years that publishers will be restricting classes, entire map packs, multitudes of weapons depending on where you buy the game and when you pre-order it.

    You would have to be blind not to see the increase in this sort of marketing recently, and the decline in the quality of games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    Vegetarians and Vegans normally have very strong opinions on everything. They also hate any kind of injustice, whether it is there or not.
    You appear to have a strong opinion opposing mine. Therefore you are a vegan.

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  2. #32
    ATK Member Vicious Horizon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Yeah, I've seen the obvious increase in DLC over the last 5-6 years, but you know what? A majority of the time DLC involves a fair bit of man-hours, which spread over a whole studio (as a studio will always be involved in any DLC released) will cost money, and so these people have to be paid, which is lost revenue as far as the publisher is concerned, and- oh look, you have to pay money to buy something that people made, how absurd and outrageous.
    Before you jump down my throat and say "But Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalve update TF2 for freeeeeeeeeeeee" - I know, how utterly amazing that a studio which is directly funded by one of the most successful digital distribution enterprises to date is releasing DLC for free!
    And don't forget about the micro-transactions that TF2 has now incorporated, which I notice has been swept under the rug as everyone injects even more money into it.

    I know this isn't strictly relevant to the matter at hand, however I think it's a parallel to what the BF3 pre-order content is.

    You talk about how in the future publishers (cough activision) will be restricting content depending on where you buy it and how much you pay, which I'm not arguing against, it's a fair point, however why not pay for the content if you want it? If you don't want to pay extra for content, don't pay extra for the content and just don't buy it, it's fairly simple I think that if you don't want it, don't pay for it, no one is forcing you to buy this content.

    I may not agree with this gaming dystopia where if you want to unlock a specialised class you have to pay £3.49 to unlock the class in-game, but it may well happen, and if you want to stop it, don't pay for it, that'll show 'em, right?

    Wait, the casual gaming masses will still pay for it, and there's nothing we can do about it, it's a fact of the industry that the kiddies who buy CoD 17: Return to AMERICA and pay through the nose for the latest maps, guns and classes outrageously overweigh those of us who disagree with this form of marketing and profiteering and as such, we have to follow suit.

    Until Activision, EA and other Publishing giants decide that they're going to cater for the hardcore minority then they're not going to care that 500,000* hardcore players are boycotting their DLC when the 10 million* sheeple go for it as quickly as they can, with a fist-fulla-dollars.

    *Figures plucked from guesstimates, the 10million was from MW2's sales, and the 500,000 is a reasonable estimate of the number of hardcore gamers who'd follow a boycott such as this.
    Take that ya one-eyed, bomb-lobbin', cactus eatin', pot bellied, thug fat jigglin-chicken whoopin' big, back-stabbin lob-armed creepy spastic bloody, blind-eyed pashy little twitchy pickle-headed rocke- hoppin, potato-poppin' phony two-faced stealthy mutant bastard!

  3. #33
    Deagle > Five-Seven VoX's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Vicious Horizon View Post
    Wait, the casual gaming masses will still pay for it, and there's nothing we can do about it, it's a fact of the industry that the kiddies who buy CoD 17: Return to AMERICA and pay through the nose for the latest maps, guns and classes outrageously overweigh those of us who disagree with this form of marketing and profiteering and as such, we have to follow suit.

    *Swiftly exits thread*

  4. #34
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Vicious Horizon View Post
    Wait, the casual gaming masses will still pay for it, and there's nothing we can do about it, it's a fact of the industry that the kiddies who buy CoD 17: Return to AMERICA and pay through the nose for the latest maps, guns and classes outrageously overweigh those of us who disagree with this form of marketing and profiteering and as such, we have to follow suit.
    You're right but that doesn't mean we don't have the right to complain.

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  5. #35

    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

  6. #36
    ATK Member Vicious Horizon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Calneon View Post
    You're right
    Don't worry, I know
    Take that ya one-eyed, bomb-lobbin', cactus eatin', pot bellied, thug fat jigglin-chicken whoopin' big, back-stabbin lob-armed creepy spastic bloody, blind-eyed pashy little twitchy pickle-headed rocke- hoppin, potato-poppin' phony two-faced stealthy mutant bastard!

  7. #37
    ATK Member Trigger's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Yay for cynicism, to have an attitude that says because the majority is not acting then nothing can be done is so depressing. What changes would ever be made if people just accepted matters because they didnt think it could be changed.

    The Minority of 'Hardcore' gamers can easily sway things like this because theyre the ones that review games, write blogs spread opinon to the masses of other gamers. The Herd of 'Kiddies' will just as easily agree with the wrongness of content being sacrificed for profit if attention for the issue is shown.
    Last edited by Trigger; 14th June 2011 at 01:18 PM.

  8. #38
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Last edited by Calneon; 16th June 2011 at 07:13 PM.

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  9. #39
    ATK Member Trigger's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Good News, the wording on the Blog made me laugh. If the original intent was to make it a Time-based exclusive and they were concerned over misunderstanding its quite peculiar that they forgot to ever mention it


  10. #40
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    Good News, the wording on the Blog made me laugh. If the original intent was to make it a Time-based exclusive and they were concerned over misunderstanding its quite peculiar that they forgot to ever mention it

    Yes, they're obviously trying to make it sound like that was their intention all along instead of caving in to consumer demand. Either way, I'm happy they've done it.

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  11. #41

    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    I seriously swear ages ago they said it was a time based exclusive. You guys may have blown this all out of proportion.

  12. #42
    ATK Member ez64's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    indeed we have, hopefully they wont keep releasing stuff then you have to wait a couple months until its unlocked unless you pay.

  13. #43
    Yellow and mellow Calneon's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    I seriously swear ages ago they said it was a time based exclusive. You guys may have blown this all out of proportion.
    No, they specifically said it was unavailable to people who didn't pre-order, for ever. I can dig up the source if you want.

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  14. #44

    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    not great, however not the end of the world.

    If they decide to make you pay for each DLC. I may pass completely.

  15. #45
    ATK Member Isphera's Avatar
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    Re: EA are chopping up BF3 into DLC exclusive to certain stores

    Quote Originally Posted by k, dfntyy View Post
    not great, however not the end of the world.

    If they decide to make you pay for each DLC. I may pass completely.
    To decide on whether to buy a game on whether or not it will sell DLC is ridiclous. So many games now use both DLC and Microtransactions now, you'll be hardpressed to find a good multiplayer game that doesn't use either.

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